Action Alerts

Action Alerts:


H.R. 471 - It's Time to Foil

 'Fix the Forests Act'


"Fix our Forests Act", H.R. 471 has returned into the new Legislative Session of the 119th Congress. This bill has passed the House of Representatives with broad support and is now headed over to the Senate. It is a horrible piece of legislation, one that is the antithesis of what the name implies. 

To learn more about this act, read THE HILL article found here. The article is a little dated and was written in the previous legislative session, the 118th Congress, but the gist of the bill is still the same.

We need to write Senator Sheehy and Daines not to vote for this legislation.

From EarthJustice: Earthjustice Senior Legislative Representative Blaine Miller-McFeeley

“We certainly want to protect communities from wildfires, but this bill is not the answer. Instead of providing impacted communities with the proven tools and techniques they need to keep themselves safe, this bill is nothing more than a trojan horse for gutting bedrock environmental laws dressed up under the more palatable guise of wildfire management. True forest management requires engaging communities and utilizing proven best practices, not opening our lands to more reckless logging operations. We urge the Senate to reject this bill.” 

For status of the legislation: LOOK HERE

Not only does this legislation attack the integrity of our forests, it also diminishes our voice by removing opportunities to question authority and removing environmental reviews.

Again here are the contacts for Senator Daines and Sheehy.

Steve Daines:

Senator Tim Sheehy:

S. 1276 - Northern Rockies 
Ecosystem Protection Act

To learn more: visit -

S.1276 - A bill to designate certain National Forest System land and certain public land under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior in the States of Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming as wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, wildland recovery areas, and biological connecting corridors, and for other purposes.

People, we need to get our Congressional Delegation involved in the support of this bill. Please write Senator Sheehy and Senator Daines to support this bill. 

Steve Daines'

Washington D.C. office: 202-224-2651
Washington D.C. fax: 202-228-1236
320 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington D.C. 20510

Tim Sheehy

Washington D.C. office: 202-224-2644
Dirksen Senate Office Building SD-G55
Washington, DC 20510

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